Saturday, January 3, 2009

vy vy vy vy fan gan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i jst feel vy vy vy fan gan abt u... i reali dun understand y u alwaz hv 2 do like dat 2 me... i feel dat u hv rampas evythg 4rm my life.. d guy i like.. my x bf.. my frens.. my feelin as i treat u my best fren..! wat lagi u wan 4rm me??! ha??!! y U oso like 2 copy ppl's thg.?! kren often use d simbol "~" in sms u saw liao oso copy! after u knw wendy says wanna bcome psychologist u oso wanna b like her..! we eat wat kind of ice cream oso wanna 4low.. kren cut her front hair d nex day u oso cut!! NW.. my turn lo..ther r so So so SoOo many courses in dis world y u hv 2 b same like me??? n i reali reali reali reali HATE it!!! y?? can u tel me y???!! u go study d place oso same wif me lo.. walao ehh!! didnt u say pulau pinang vy gud de meh?? many colledges.. Y u dun go ther??! far far away 4rm me la!!!! stay away 4rm my life!!!!!! so i wil nt c ur face anymor!! 真是冤家路窄!!!!!! y la?? wats ur problem?! like 2 bcome ppl's 冒牌货!!!! U knw ka?? copy out de thg is vy vy vy 没有价值.. low standard.. n 很没有自己的款!! like rubbish!! u try 2 c copy out d paper la .. no ppl appreciate it!!!!!!! n u r jst like those paper man!! nw i knw y u like cats.. bcz u r such a COPY CAT!!!!!!!!我真是替你感到悲哀吖!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gao said...
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Gao said...

nice one...
again ar??
forget god liao???
control control mah...

~|3abyRen~ said...

walao .. fish ....
pro u ... y u say until like tat lah ....doink~~

~大头Ci@^^ said...

wat 4gt o?? not 4gt lo..! i m jst a human!! hw 2 control o?? teach me la! thk la if u were me.. but i reali vy angry liao!!!! cant stand her any mor!!!!!