Monday, November 23, 2009

CaNon caMerA aaa~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

finally!!!! it arrived jor!!!!!!! wu huu~!!! wait so long la.. 1 month stg lo!! stupid canon company....!! wahiahiahia.... i finally can hv my own CAMERA liao!!! YeAh!!!!!! hiehie..... i LOVE it much much!!!!!!! so damn expensive lo dis camera.... da thg i hated mst of canon is their service attitude lo...!! walao ehh!!! as a customer i hv da rgt 2 choose da camera bag i wan ma rite??? den ho.. i wan black wan ba... i dun wan red wan... hong dang dang like CNY de bian pao like dat.. u knw wat dat uncle says????! he say... no! gals take red guys take black.. if u wanna chg den chg wif ur fren.... wa!!! wat hell attitude is dis wo....?? huh!!! i buy myself new de bag lo.... hwever... wanna thk god 4 dis camera.. n i name it leng zai!!!! wahiahiahia!!! ^^


~大头Ci@^^ said...
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~大头Ci@^^ said...

thx... ^^ but who r u lehh?? hiehie

Anonymous said...

Cannons are amazing.!
i have a cannon XT rebel &it's the best thing ever.!
but i rely more on my nikonD40

~大头Ci@^^ said...

hiahia... canon..... but i dun like their attitude.. SO RUDE!! hiehie ^^ how old r u lehh Adia?