Thursday, March 5, 2009

YeAh!!! WoRkinG jor.... ^^

haha..i start workin liao dis month.. MAC.. no mor boring de feelin like stuck in home de nia..... but sumtimes no customers oso quite xian...... oki oki la.... can c many kinds of ppl... some alwas wanna ask u 2 find differ kinds of colour de shirt but jst left the shop like dat..... dis kind aa... NO.1 ma fan customer.. NO.2 le is try try try but din buy at the end.. we hv 2 clean up da clothes dat had been tried.... dehh... NO.3 le... is ask ask ask many many question but den oso bb de.... but gt gud de oso la... jst c n buy.. dats da NO.1 gud customer... but da oni nt vy gud of dis job is.... hv 2 STAND 4rm da shop open until it close... except lunch time n teatime... walao... i can tel u... da 1st 2 days oo.. my legs o....... like cannot move liao o.. but i appreciate GOD gv me dis job oso.. n weekends jst work half day.. so i still can learn BASS!!! ...n actually sunday jst work 4 hours oni la.... hwever... sum1's bday oso comin... so HApPy!!!!! BUT!! da sad part is... Ling is leavin dis month too... ah dui..... b4 dat sum1's bday le..... y da timing so stupid a???!! nvm la...... wil miss u vy much de ling... T.T T.T T.T


^_想說就說_^ said...

Hehe... I miss u too d neh~ B4 i go thr, lets dance again~ Hahaha... Wo shang ying le~ Come on, babe~

~大头Ci@^^ said...

HAHAHAHA!!! swt man.. bahh.. oki wat... hiahiahia