Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bye bYe liNg... T.T

2day ling wen to NS jor.... jst sent her 2 da ferry ther at 12 stg... aiZzz... 3 months ooo... so sad n bu she de o me.................................. T.T.. jst nw almst wan cry liao ooo... wen she back labuan i odi dunu go wher liao lur..... mayb in kl we can meet.... but dats a long time nehh.... wa..... ling nt in sure i'll vy BORED tuu... but hao cai.... i stil gt sha po Ren.... hehehe..... must take care ooo ling..... n beware of dat EVIL one.... dun b too close to her.. if nt u oso kena her virus..... Errr!!!! y she gt go 2 da same place a???? dui..... dun understand...... hwever... will MiZz U muCh gehh ling..... mst alwaz mizZ us too ooo... wait u back... hope time will pass vy fast....


~|3abyRen~ said...

Oh lah ...
U no miss me ...
Miss ling ...
I CHI CHU wor ...!!!!

~大头Ci@^^ said...

hahaha... u r nt leaving ma... dui... dun chi chu la.. u back i gv u a big hug lo.... hiahiahiahia..^^

~|3abyRen~ said...

when gai gai also duno u gt free or not loh ...
I now relaly damn free man ..
And i gt a lot of thing wan to tell u ..
I really sad watzz

~大头Ci@^^ said...

y sad oo?? kelian oo... nvm.. wen we meet den u jst shout out 2 me those sad rubbish thg.... hiahiahia...